Tau Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta was founded at the University of Texas at Austin in 1883, the same year that the university opened its doors. At Tau Deuteron, we take great pride in our rich history and are dedicated to the ideals of brotherhood, leadership, and service. As individuals and as a chapter, we strive to model the Phi Gamma Delta mission statement within our organization, on campus, and in the Austin community.
“Phi Gamma Delta exists to promote lifelong friendships, to reaffirm high ethical standards and values, and to foster personal development in the pursuit of excellence. Phi Gamma Delta is committed to provide opportunities for each brother to develop responsibility, leadership, scholarship, and social skills in order to become a fully contributing member of society.”
1965-66 Class B Football Champion
Front (L-R): G. Rall, B. Montgomery, R. Herberger, J. Kendall, C. Adams, R. Jarry, R. Satterwhite.
Back (L-R): D. Covert, B. Graham, B. Fenoglio, J. Mundy, R. Speed, R. Nelson, D. Sewell, D. Schick. Not pictured: A. Geiselman